Johor Bahru Art Carnival

brooch homemade patchwork quilt stich

In conjunction with the JB Art Carnival, we were there teaching children to sew these nice little brooches. We were at exhibition hall in front of the library at level 3 Sutera Mall this Saturday from 11am ~10pm. It only costs RM2 with material provided and visitors picked and chose one of these colorful buttons.

Students were as young as 3 years old, to elderly mothers who also know how to sew but interested to learn new tricks. I am delighted to learn that there are still some youngsters out there who are keen in needle work.

Photo: In conjunction with the JB Art Carnival, I will be teaching children to sew this nice little brooch. Find me at exhibition hall in front of the library at level 3 Sutera Mall this Saturday from 11am ~10pm. It only costs RM2 with material provided and your choice of one of these colorful buttons. 是的就是明天了! 明天是新山艺术教育嘉年华会开跑, 为期2天。但是13姨只会在31/05 (六) 开档一天, 我会现场示范如何缝制这朵美丽的胸针, 只需区区2令吉; 材料由我们准备。而且我们有好多不同颜色的纽扣供你选择。我的档口就在五福城3楼图书馆前的展览厅, 记得来找我啊!




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