Making Glutinous Rice Wine at Home - Day 0, start the work - cook the rice by steaming

angjiu confinement glutinous rice wine homemade huangjiu steaming

Some basic steps:
1. Use a steamer like this, boil about 3/4 full of water. 
2. This is optional - I place a wire mesh as a raised base for better/faster steaming. 
3. Place a large piece of cheese cloth to hold the rice. I used a piece of baby diaper cloth instead. *brand new fresh out of shelf of course  
4. Fill the tray with the soaked glutinous rice to about 3/4 full. I estimated about 1 & 1/4 kilo of rice since I divided the 5 kg of soaked rice into 4 such trays. 
5. Level the surface and used a pair of chopsticks to poke some holes to make the cooking more evenly.
6. Cover the rice. *r
epeat the same steps for the second tray.

7. With the boiling water in the pot, place the 2 trays on top. Steam the rice for about 45 minutes over medium/high heat. 

Photo: Day 0 零天:- Preparations 准备- Steaming the rice. 蒸糯米

1. Use a steamer like this, boil about 3/4 full of water. 在蒸炉放3/4份水, 将它煮滚。

2. This is optional - I place a wire mesh as a raised base for better/faster steaming. 这个可以自由选择,我放一个铁网把它垫高。

3. Place a large piece of cheese cloth to hold the rice. I used a piece of baby diaper cloth instead. *Brand new fresh out of shelf of course :) 在铁网上铺一层白布,图中是新的宝宝尿布。

4. Fill the tray with the soaked glutinous rice to about 3/4 full. I estimated about 1 & 1/4 kilo of rice since I needed to divide the 5 kg of soaked rice into 4 such trays. 将1又1/4份的糯米铺在蒸炉里,以5公斤米来计算;我需要有4层蒸笼来装。

5. Used a pair of chopsticks and level the surface and poke some holes to make the cooking more evenly. 用筷子在铺好的糯米上插一些洞,好让蒸汽容易上到米的上面;比较快熟。

6. Cover the rice. Repeat the same steps for the second tray. 用白布把糯米包紧,另外一笼也重复同样的动作。

7. With the boiling water in the pot, place the 2 trays on top. Steam the rice for about 45 minutes over medium heat. 将水煮开,将两个蒸笼重叠,开中火蒸45分钟。

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