Making Glutinous Rice Wine at Home - Day 0, start the work - "Water Cool"

angjiu confinement cooling glutinous rice wine homemade huangjiu

1. Place the strainer under the running tap water. 
2. As the water is filing up,
3. Use a pair of chopsticks to loosen up the rice. Be careful as the rice is still piping hot. 
4. Slowly using hands when the temperature is cool to touched, to break loose all the remaining crumbs of sticky rice. The first run, the rice will feel a bit slimy and slippery. 
5. Raise the strainer and pour away the warm water. 
6. Repeating steps 4 & 5 until the rice is cooled to about the same temperature as the soaking water. I do this cooling steps for 2-3 times depending on volume of rice. 
7. At this stage the rice will be rougher and loosen to its individual grains. 
8. Cool and ready for next steps. 

*The rice must be cooled all the way to the inside of the grain. If the rice is still too worm inside, the fermentation is turn moldy and turn sour later. Most people will lay the rice spread thinly and let it cool naturally or under ceiling/table fans. This would take much longer... And the result is not as good as the rice is still like sticky crumbs... 

Photo: Day 0 零天:- Preparations 准备- "water cool" 泡澡

1. Place the strainer under the running tap water. 将过滤盆置放在开着的水龙头底下。

2. As the water is filing up, 等待清水注满过滤盆,

3. Use a pair of chopsticks to loosen up the rice. Be careful as the rice is still burning hot. 用一双筷子将糯米饭弄松,要小心别烫伤了因为这个时候糯米饭还是热的。

4. Slowly using hands when the temperature is cool to touched, to break loose all the remaining crumbs of sticky rice. The first run, the rice will feel a bit slimy and slippery. 当温度开始降低,我们可以弃筷子而改用手了。第一次过水的时候,你会感觉到米饭是粘粘滑滑的。

5. Raise the strainer and pour away the warm water. 把过滤盆里头的热水倒掉。

6. Repeating step 4 & 5 until the rice is cooled to about the same temperature as the soaking water. I do this cooling steps for 2-3 times depending on volume of rice. 重复第4和5的步骤,直到米饭的温度和水龙头开出来的温度几乎是一样了。我本身会重复步骤4/5,2~3次;视分量多少而定。

7. At this stage the rice will be rougher and loosen to its individual grains. 这个时候,米饭会变得粗一点,松开变成一粒粒。

8. Cool and ready for next steps. 滤干水待用。

*The rice must be cooled all the way to the inside of the grain. If the rice is still too worm inside, the fermentation is turn moldy and turn sour later. Most people will lay the rice spread thinly and let it cool naturally or under ceiling/table fans. This would take much longer... And the result is not as good as the rice is still  like sticky crumbs... 

*特别注意事项:如果米饭没有全面 (从内至外)彻底冷却 ,会导致发酵过程当中米饭发霉;醸出来的酒也会因此而变酸。以往在阿嘛的年代,大部分人都将蒸好的糯米饭摊开放在风扇底下让风将米饭吹凉。这样需要更长的时间。。。而且效果也不如预期,因为米饭上的粘质没有被处理掉。

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