Making Glutinous Rice Wine at Home - Day 7, sampling the wine

angjiu confinement fermentation glutinous rice wine homemade huangjiu red yeast rice yeast

The wine is now pinkish red because of the red yeast rice powder and the glutinous rice dissolved into milky white powdery residue as the results of fermentation. At this stage, it taste more like sweet cocktail than strong spirits. And it smell really good - full fragrance of the glutinous rice and a tint of fruity sweetness. 
Cheers / YamSeng!!!

Photo: Day 7 第7天:- Sampling the wine. 试酒。

The wine is now pinkish red because of the red yeast rice powder and the glutinous rice dissolved into milky white powdery residue as the results of fermentation. 现在乘出来的酒呈现粉红色,发酵过后的糯米已经分解成软绵绵的米糊。

At this stage, it taste more like sweet cocktail than strong spirits. And it smell really good - full fragrance of the glutinous rice and a tint of fruity sweetness. 这个时候,她像一杯甜甜的鸡尾酒, 她不像白酒那么有劲,但是却非常香醇,感觉有一点点的水果风味!

YamSeng!!! 干杯!

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